About Me

I am an assistant professor of Computer Science at the Mohamed Bin Zayed University of AI (MBZUAI) in Abu Dhabi. My research interests are in the areas of computer architecture, software system design, and machine learning, with the goal of co-designing future ML systems for high performance, scalable reliability, and intelligent resources allocation.

Before starting as a professor, I was a postdoc researcher in computer science at Harvard University, working with Dr. David Brooks and Dr. Gu-Yeon Wei in the Harvard Architecture, Circuits, and Compilers Group. I completed my PhD at UIUC under the guidance of Dr. Sarita Adve in the RSim Research Group. During my graduate studies, I was very fortunate to be the recipient of the Mavis Future Faculty Fellowship, to be invited to the 7th Heidelberg Laureate Forum, and to receive multiple awards for teaching and mentoring undergraduate students. Prior to joining UIUC, I completed my BSE from Princeton University, where I was the recipient of the John Ogden Bigelow Jr. Prize in Electrical Engineering.

In addition to doing research, I am also a steering committee member for the Computer Architecture Student Association (CASA) and the Computer Architecture Long-term Mentoring (CALM) initiatives. In my free time, I enjoy watching documentaries, playing soccer, and I am a contributing feature article writer at TechSpot.com.

I am actively recruiting students! If you are interested in joining my group as a Research Assistant (RA), PhD student, or Postdoc, please fill out this form and send a brief email once you do!

Research Interests:

  • HW/SW/AI Robustness
  • ML for Systems
  • Systems for ML
  • GPU/Accelerator design
  • Sustainable Computing
